First Ever Robot in My Life

Nathan was keen on learning about robotics, so I enrolled him in an introductory workshop in Bangalore. Unfortunately, due to a change in his school schedule, he couldn’t attend.

So, I decided to take his place, thinking I could learn and share the knowledge with him. To my surprise, I was the only participant over 40 years old!

A remote control vehicle assembled by KPS and test driven by a lovely primary school girl during the workshop

The experience was incredible and aligned perfectly with dreams I once had. It was a fantastic blend of hardware, software, design, science, and mathematics. Creating an Android mobile app and testing it immediately with a robot as a remote controller was an exhilarating experience!

I highly recommend such workshops to any parent wanting to prepare their child for the future. It’s a fantastic gift that engages both sides of a child's brain.

The workshop was provided by QTPI, and I’m pleased to report that they manufacture all their learning kit materials locally in Bangalore—no “Made in China” items. The kit will be available for purchase starting next year.