Showing posts from 2021

Selfie inventor discloses identity

Way back in 2005, before the world was obsessed with selfies, I quietly invented the concept with this shot, using a trusty Sony camera and...

'Good Times' Never End

After all these years, a memory from long ago resurfaced and led me to search for a video I once loved so much. It’s a song I vividly rememb...

Happy Evening of Light!

Wishing all my friends and family a bright and joyful beginning on this evening of light! In our family, we've moved away from bursting ...

A Legacy Ended Abruptly: Vaidhyar Left

We mourn the loss of Sri Mohanan Vaidhyar , one of our greatest inspirations in traditional herbal remedies. This remarkable soul has finall...

Artist Navaneeth

Navaneeth is one of those divinely blessed souls I’ve had the privilege to meet. His artworks are so realistic, so full of life, that they o...

Believe It or Not: Walking on Water!

When I told everyone that I could walk on water, no one took me seriously! Well, here's the proof—see for yourself. Sometimes, the impos...

Truck Load of Ivy Gourd from Nathan

When Nathan told me he had harvested a truckload of ivy gourd (கோவைக்காய் / കോവക്ക), I didn’t quite expect this! The “truck” he was referrin...

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